​​​​​​​RADVOCACY News​letter Q3 2023

A Message from the Chair


Hello Radvocates,

It’s been a very busy and lively legislative year. As we look towards 2024, we know the work is not done, but we also reflect upon legislation introduced, including victories.

Medicare cuts continue to plague our specialty regardless of practice type, and the need for long-term Medicare reform is paramount, arguably now more than ever. In the meantime, it’s important we continue to contact our lawmakers and respond to calls-to-action when any legislation arises which proposes to mitigate these continued cuts.

Scope of practice and Surprise Billing continue to stay top of mind, and we are fighting vociferously to ensure we are victorious in the end on behalf of our patients and profession as a whole, both at the state and federal levels.

Breast imaging legislation continues to be top of mind, both at the state and federal levels. This year, we saw a substantial amount of activity in terms of the introduction of legislation at the state level, particularly diagnostic breast imaging legislation, without copay or deductible, and supplemental screening, varying for coverage regardless of risk to high risk for breast cancer. In fact, 19 states have now enacted some form of diagnostic breast imaging legislation with or without supplemental screening. At the federal level, the Find It Early Act was introduced, which would eliminate copays and other out-of-pocket expenses for breast imaging diagnostic examinations as well as supplemental screening, regardless of insurance type. The Access to Breast Cancer Diagnosis Act was also introduced which includes the same coverage of breast imaging examinations but with a narrower scope of insurance coverage.

Also this year, we witnessed the United States Preventive Services Task Force release draft recommendations of lowering the age of screening mammography to age 40, but unfortunately fell short of recommending annual surveillance in keeping with ACR recommendations and other subspecialty groups. Additionally, the Mammography Quality Standards Act, under the purview of the FDA, released updated requirements that need to be enacted by August 2024 by breast imaging centers across the country. This includes a breast density reporting mandate so that every state will be required to notify patients of their dense breast status and the availability of supplemental screening if desired so that patients can make the best-informed decision for themselves.

We will continue to solider on, regardless of Congressional climate, to ensure our patients have access to the care they deserve and we are fairly reimbursed for the services we provide. We hope you will continue to join our ranks and recruit others in the process. It takes a village, and we cannot be successful at our radvocacy endeavors without every one of you, regardless of career level or practice type.

I hope you have a wonderful Holiday season. Thank you for all that you do.

Sincerely, Amy K. Patel M.D.


Economics Update

Pre-RAN Radiology Update *

RFS-RAN Update *

YPS-RAN Update *

​*No updates for this quarter