Site Visits from A - Z
Before the Invitation:
Contact Ted Burnes or Melody Ballesteros
Determine your agenda.
Is your goal to educate or develop relationships?
Have a defined tour schedule that allows enough time to tour your facility and enjoy informal discussion.
Map out the tour. Choose particular areas that highlight your facility and the expertise required. Include quiet areas to talk along the way.
Arrange for a photographer.
The Invitation:
Contact Ted Burnes for templates and scheduling.
Try to schedule two months in advance.
The legislator's scheduler will offer multiple dates that work with MOC's schedule. Flexibility increases the chances of acceptance.
Provide the official with a personalized packet of information about the organization and the visit.
Make your invitation interesting, i.e. - Breast Cancer Awareness Month, come visit our mammography center that supports over 5,000 women a month.
Spreading the Word:
Let employees/co-workers know the exact time and date of the visit in advance.
Share a short bio of the Member visiting with others in your facility.
Market the visit. It's a big deal and should be talked about.
Conducting the Tour:
Keep close track of time. Don't rush the tour, but keep things moving. Be mindful of the Member's time.
Introduce all employees by name, they are constituents.
Follow the tour, if time allows, with a short private discussion in your office or meeting room. If possible, allow for a short meet and greet with other employees from specific areas in your facility.
Schedule a special (and brief) event with the legislator as a reward for RADPAC contributors or RAN leaders.
After the Tour:
Send a follow-up thank you to the legislator.
Provide the legislator and his/her press aide with press clippings that covered the event, including your facility newsletter.
Maintain this relationship by keeping up with the legislator and designated staff on legislative issues of relevance.
Offer to be a resource to the legislator's office for your industry.
Follow up with employees/coworkers in attendance. Thank them for representing the facility and educating the legislator.
Encourage your employees/coworkers to sign up/remain active in advocacy and join RAN.