RADPAC is the nonpartisan political action committee of the American College of Radiology Association (ACRA). Its goal is to support the campaigns of pro-radiology Members of Congress and federal candidates through voluntary contributions from members of the ACRA
RADPAC's mission is to serve as the political voice of radiology on Capitol Hill.
RADPAC Board Application Process Open
RADPAC Election Resources RADPAC has created an Election Resources page that includes voter registration information, a list of primary election dates, and a list of Members of Congress supported by RADPAC this election cycle.
RADVOCACY Podcast hosted by RADPAC
We invite you to listen and learn about how radiology advocacy (“radvocacy") is a critically important element to securing the future of the profession. The podcast will highlight leaders in the field of radiology, Members of Congress, political operatives and other special guests.
On April 16, more than 300 radiologists attended the annual RADPAC Gala held at the National Museum of Women in the Arts. The decorative theme centered around Cherry Blossoms. The evening included a presentation of the Congressional Award for Radiological Excellence (CARE Award) to Congressman Michael Burgess, M.D. as well as the RADPAC Lifetime Achievement Award to William Thorwarth, Jr, M.D., FACR. Click here for pictures.
RADPAC March Chapter Challenge a Success States were broken into brackets based on chapter size. The top chapters advanced through the rounds. The division winners were each receive a $500 donation from RADPAC. Learn more here.