​​​​​​​RADVOCACY News​letter Q2 2023

A Message from the Chair


Hello Radvocates,

Welcome to the second installment of our new and improved Radvocacy Newsletter. In a concerted effort to maintain cohesion amongst our advocacy efforts, this newsletter will now replace the individual RADPAC and RAN Newsletters and will highlight specific aspects of these particular government relations entities. Also, as we have previously shared, we have combined RADPAC and RAN efforts into one new website at www.radiologyadvocacy.org. We appreciate any and all feedback regarding which we hope you will find a very much improved interface.

As you know, we recently have had a whirlwind of legislation introduced into Congress which has resulted in many calls-to-action (CTA). At times, you may feel CTA fatigue. However, we need you arguably now more than ever, and on all fronts; not just diligently responding to these CTAs, but contributing to RADPAC to ensure our elected officials are voting on behalf of our patients’ access to care and our profession as a whole. We have many challenges on the horizon, one of the most pressing being additional proposed Medicare reimbursement cuts. It is imperative that we advocate for long-term Medicare reform, but we cannot do this without the entire house of radiology’s help.

As we continue to advocate for our patients and our profession, we know that the House of Radiology and Radiation Oncology is strongest when we all work together. Will you join us in this fight? We appreciate your time and efforts.

As we continue to advocate for our patients and for our careers, I hope you find these changes helpful. We have many uphill legislative battles we’re currently fighting, and I know that the House of Radiology is strongest when we all work together.

Sincerely, Amy K. Patel M.D.


Pre-RAN Radiology Update *

YPS-RAN Update *

​*No updates for this quarter